Flag: Canada
Registered: July 29, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 2:57 PM
Posts: 173
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do you think one of TH/KC dont qual to Madrid if playoffs was double elim?

posted 2 months ago

didn't want to have only one chinese team lol...

posted 2 months ago


I chose 15 of what I thought are the best teams, let me know which teams should be added/removed.

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

demon1 can play smokes on raze maps, marved Viper, crashies senti, Ethan init.

we played bad against SEN. They deserved to win. I still have confidence in NRG though, even though we beat two horrible teams we only lost one match against the world champions. by the eye test, they look pretty good, almost certainly a top-5 and likely a top-3 team within Americas. Doesn't mean we have to keep saying "SEN got lucky".

posted 2 months ago

rahhhh Mongolian valorant

posted 2 months ago

bro does no one get the reference lmao

prx finals comp

posted 2 months ago

JohnQT Astra
Zellsis Breach
Sacy Fade
Zekken Neon
TenZ Yoru

posted 2 months ago

this actually seems reasonable

posted 2 months ago

i had to do a double take when i saw the m8 flair

posted 2 months ago

Duelist - 2022 yay
Sentinel - 2021 nAts
Smokes - 2022 MaKo
Initiator - 2023 Leo
Flex/IGL - saadhak

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

too bad no one on here understands what a centimeter is

posted 4 months ago

At one point TALON had less points than them

posted 4 months ago

Here's what you guys voted for!

S Tier

  1. Paper Rex (AVG rank 1.29th)

A Tier

  1. T1 (AVG rank 3.18th)

A- Tier

  1. DRX (AVG rank 3.93th)
  2. Bleed (AVG rank 3.96th)

B Tier

  1. ZETA (AVG rank 5.89th)
  2. RRQ (AVG rank 6.44th)
  3. GenG (AVG rank 6.76th)
  4. Team Secret (AVG rank 7.11th)

C Tier

  1. Global Esports (AVG rank 8.42th)
  2. Talon Esports (AVG rank 8.87th)

D Tier

  1. DFM (AVG rank 10.16th)
posted 4 months ago

shameless bump cause no one voted

posted 4 months ago

Here's the results of the poll, I changed the scoring system so now we can find out average rankings.

S Tier

  1. Fnatic (AVG 1.71th place)

No surprise, Fnatic as the consensus #1 team.

A Tier

  1. NAVI (AVG 3.47th place)
  2. FUT (AVG 3.49th place)

These two were very close lmao. Makes sense tho, they do seem a step above the other teams.

B+ Tier

  1. Vitality (AVG 4.47th place)
  2. Liquid (AVG 5.29th place)

B Tier

  1. GiantX (AVG 6.45th place)
  2. Karmine Corp (AVG 6.67th place)

C Tier

  1. Gentle Mates (AVG 7.98th place)
  2. BBL (AVG 8.37th place)
  3. Team Heretics (AVG 8.92th place)
  4. KOI (AVG 9.14th place)

This last tier I felt was close enough that there wasn't really a good place to separate them.


posted 4 months ago

nah this is vlr's overall rankings through a poll

posted 4 months ago

Here are the rankings for the Americas teams as voted by you guys. I've split them up into tiers as some of them were pretty close.

S Tier

  1. NRG

No surprise there.

A Tier

  1. Leviatan
  2. Sentinels
  3. LOUD

When I checked the results throughout these 3 teams were consistently changing places, which makes sense, I think these teams are a step above the next ones.

B+ Tier

  1. G2

B Tier

  1. C9
  2. 100T

I wasn't expecting such a close gap here tbh, maybe Boostio's signing contributed to recency bias because at first 100T was a lot lower, below FURIA even. G2 was quite a bit above the other two, hence the separate tier.

C Tier

  1. FURIA
  2. KRU

Not much to say here.

D Tier

  1. EG
  2. MIBR

Also not much to say here.

Might do an EMEA one soon.

posted 4 months ago

Thanks for all of the votes guys, I'll make a follow-up post in a bit

posted 4 months ago

A section of the agent metas would be cool! If you need help with any of the writing then I'm sure a lot of ppl here would like to help

posted 4 months ago

I've seen a lot of different opinions so here's a poll for everybody

posted 4 months ago


Demon1 - Jett
Ethan - KAY/O
Victor - Killjoy
Crashies - Sova
Marved - Omen

Demon1 - Jett
Ethan - Skye
Victor - Killjoy
Crashies - Viper
Marved - Omen/Harbor

The other route is to put Ethan on Omen, Marved Viper, Crashies Skye

Demon1 - Chamber
Ethan - Skye
Victor - Raze
Crashies - Viper
Marved - Brimstone

Demon1 - Astra
Ethan - Skye
Victor - Raze
Crashies - Killjoy
Marved - Viper

Demon1 - Chamber
Ethan - Breach
Victor - Raze
Crashies - Fade
Marved - Omen

These types of comps fit this roster the best IMO, chamber double initator allows victor to play duelist, ethan on flashes, crashies on scan, and demon1 to cook on chamber.

Demon1 - Jett
Ethan - Sova
Victor - KAY/O
Crashies - Cypher
Marved - Viper

i think victor off of cypher is best as he hasn't really played it, and crashies has.

Demon1 - Jett
Ethan - Skye
Victor - Raze
Crashies - Viper
Marved - Astra

Overall the main player going off of his comfort roles is crashies, but he's played Viper and Cypher a bit in the past, so it shouldn't be a huge deal.
This roster would have worked really well in the Chamber meta. E.g. old OPTIC comp, Demon1 on Chamber, Ethan on Breach, Victor on Neon, Crashies on KAY/O, Marved on Brimstone is basically everybody's comfort role. I'd see them using Chamber a lot if they do end up with this roster.

posted 6 months ago

are you my homework, cause i want to slam u on the table and do you all night

posted 6 months ago

contract stuff + them getting stellar and corey means they probably wont keep all.
boostio is alreaedy strongly rumored to 100t, which leaves demon1+ethan to NRG most likely.

posted 6 months ago

breeze could be Sacy Skye, TenZ Yoru, zekken KAY/O, johnQT harbor, pANcada viper

posted 7 months ago

so it'll be aspas duelist, kingg flex, tex sentinel, mazino smokes, nzr main initiator?

e.g. ascent, aspas jett, kingg kayo, nzr sova, mazino omen, tex killjoy

lotus, aspas raze, kingg viper, nzr skye, mazino omen, tex killjoy

bind, aspas raze, kingg viper, nzr skye, mazino brim, tex chamber


posted 7 months ago

i think the meta for this map is Raze/Neon, Harbor/Omen/Brim/Astra, Skye/Fade, and two of Chamber/Cypher/Viper/Breach/(maybe even yoru)
E.g. for Fnatic, we could have:
Derke Raze
Boaster Omen
Leo Fade
Alfajer Cypher
Chronicle Breach

Or for EDG it could be
Smoggy Neon
Haodong Astra
KangKang Chamber
nobody Skye

all seem like viable comps.

posted 7 months ago

like the others are saying the most likely comp is:
TenZ Yoru
zekken Raze
Sacy Skye
pANcada Brim/Viper
johnqt Viper/Brim

Last one really depends on comfort roles

posted 7 months ago

keep in mind thief also flexes to raze if mada is on chamber or something

posted 8 months ago

which of the TTR players is closest to deserving franchising?

posted 8 months ago

victor is third best flex in the world behind chronicle and forsaken and clears players like Rb, zyppan, etc

posted 8 months ago

I'm assuming when there is a double controller map, Vanity will flex to KJ, similarily to how he used to with the old iteration.
For example: Oxy on Raze, Wippie on Viper, Jakee on Omen, Vanity on KJ, Xeppaa on Skye.

In terms of roles I think it's pretty good, i wouldn't exactly call all of them hyperflex but they can move around enough to fit in most comps. OXY's firepower will be a very welcome addition to replace leaf. I don't like the wippie signing but i don't think anyone does lol. overall i think they can actually be a solid team and not finish last in americas.

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

im bronze

posted 8 months ago

keiko sentinel?

posted 8 months ago

My list is

  1. Demon1
  2. yay
  3. leaf
  4. Cryo
  5. TenZ
  6. koalanoob
  7. tex
  8. OXY
  9. pwny
  10. n4rrate
  11. bdog
  12. sym

at the bottom is babybay, reduxx, corey, Governor, zeldris, Will, Harmful

what do you think?

posted 9 months ago

right, probs most of the players are going to stay

posted 9 months ago

For me:

johnqt, valyn, flyuh

n4rrate, pwny, koalanoob, tex

skuba, valyn, Zander

neT, aproto, johnqt, moose

JonahP, NiSMO, mummAy, flyuh

Trent, eeiu, Verno

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

The thing is in terms of roles, dropping jakee and runi for s0m and fns actually kinda makes sense:

controller s0m
initiator xeppaa
sentinel fns
duelist leaf
flex zellsis

then on double controller maps like lotus you have something like

leaf raze
xeppaa skye
fns viper
zellsis killjoy
s0m omen

but in terms of chemistry, i think theyre better off keeping jakee and runi.

posted 9 months ago

Here are some ideas:


FNS, s0m, ardiis are all rumored to leave, lets just say hypothetically that all of this is true and they have to build a team around Victor and Crashies.
The most common idea I've seen is johnQT, yay, Marved, so basically OPTIC -FNS +johnQT

another interesting idea if they can't get yay is picking up someone like koalanoob, sym, or pwny.
in terms of IGLs other than johnQT there isn't anyone else really, the next best ones are stellar, flyuh, mitch, and maybe even runi
the most extreme variation is letting Marved call if he gets picked up but I doubt that's happening


Asuna and Cryo are staying for sure, bang might be gone, stellar and Derrek are probably gone. I honestly think picking up some T2 players would be good for them, here's my idea:
Asuna - Cryo - s0m - aproto - flyuh
assuming they get s0m for bang (which is a little unlikely ig) i think aproto is the next best sentinel they can get, of course if they can get FNS then that would be really nice, so if they do then:

Asuna - Cryo - s0m - FNS - eeiu (to replace Derrek cause you don't need an IGL anymore)

other sentinels possiblt worth considering from T2 are moose, dapr, Dicey, and POISED (these are pretty bad options).


Apparently they are keeping TenZ, Zekken, Sacy, Pancada, so they need an IGL on controller or sentinel.
FNS is the obvious candidate. other less likely options are johnqt, stellar, and flyuh


0 clue, if i were in charge id keep leaf and xeppaa and probably zellsis, if bang is on the market i might get him over jakee, but i think they really can just settle down and keep this current iteration.


trade demon1 for something >:)


i doubt theyd make any moves, only thing i see them MAYBE doing is trading jonahP for nismo but thats probably my bias thinking nismo is better. so i doubt they change.

thoughts? what are your roster ideas?

posted 9 months ago

I was at my house the other day cooking
And I left the stove for one second to use the washroom.
When I got back, my brother had already finished the soup and he served it up in some bowls.
I reached for one of them and he immediately said "stop that! you have to wait, that soup is fenis."
I stopped. I knew the soup was smoking hot.

posted 10 months ago

Thomas Rhett

posted 10 months ago

Remember You Young - Thomas Rhett -- this just slaps lol
other good songs by Rhett are Slow Down Summer and Die a Happy Man

posted 10 months ago

Overview: NAVI's comps suck, too many role issues. Zyppan is playing initiator when Shao exists, Shao is playing Killjoy when SUYGETSU exists, and ANGE1's most played agent is Omen but refuses to play smokes in any other context.
I'm gonna try to get Shao on initiator more in these comps, or at least more comfortable agents instead of Killjoy.

Cypher - Suygetsu
Fade - Shao
KAY/O - Zyppan
Omen - Ange1
Jett - cNed

I don't see anything wrong w/ this comp, the roles are all there and it seems pretty on-meta, only thing is MAYBE suy can change to KJ? But it seems to work pretty well.

Viper - Suygetsu
Fade - Shao
Skye - Zyppan
Brimstone - Ange1
Raze - cNed

You can't have Bind without the Acend comp, but it's really hard to fit that in as Skye is an integral part of that comp and only Zyppan can play Skye, but Zyppan has to play Raze if cNed is on Sage. I settled instead for the Fade comp.

Killjoy - Suygetsu
Fade - Shao
Breach - Zyppan
Brimstone - Ange1
Raze - cNed

There were a lot of options here, I opted for the KJ-Fade comp so Shao has a more comfortable pick but there are a lot of other options.

Wild Card Fracture:
Killjoy - Suygetsu
Omen - Shao
Raze - Zyppan
Breach - Ange1
Sage - cNed

This is the XSET comp, this is the only way I could think of getting Zyppan on Raze without double duelist, which in hindsight might have worked better, but I still think this is pretty cool.

Killjoy - Suygetsu
Fade - Shao
Raze - Zyppan
Viper - Ange1
Omen - cNed

I actually like the idea of cNed on Omen, but they could play with the roles a lot here (cNed Raze, Zyppan Fade, Shao Omen, which is similar to what they were playing before).

Killjoy - Suygetsu
Astra - Shao
KAY/O - Zyppan
Sova - Ange1
Jett - cNed

Same comp as before, only real role thing is Ange1 playing Sova when Shao is right there, but I guess Ange1 isn't good on Astra?

Wild Card Pearl:
Viper - Suygetsu
Killjoy - Shao
Skye - Zyppan
Harbor - Ange1
Jett - cNed

This is the best way I could get the Harbor comp to work lol

Killjoy - Suygetsu
Sova - Shao
Breach - Zyppan
Omen - Ange1
Jett - cNed

Normal comp, i think Zyppan is fine on Breach, otherwise everyone is very good on their roles.

Killjoy - Suygetsu
Omen - Shao
KAY/O - Zyppan
Viper - Ange1
Raze - cNed

This is literally what they played last year, same as this year but Kayo over Skye, and Shao isn't playing fucking Killjoy.

Wild Card Split
Cypher - Suygetsu
Sage - Shao
Raze - Zyppan
Omen - Ange1
Jett - cNed

This is a classic comp, Sentinels played it back in the day (I think?), and I think it works pretty well here, Shao has played Sage in the past and is pretty good on it, everyone else has possibly their most comfortable roles.

Agents each player plays:
Suygetsu - Cypher (1), Viper (1), Killjoy (5)
Shao - Fade (4), Astra (1), Sova (1), Omen (1)
Zyppan - KAY/O (3), Skye (1), Breach (2), Raze (1)
Ange1 - Omen (2), Brimstone (2), Viper (2), Sova (1)
cNed - Jett (3), Raze (3), Omen (1)

TL;DR - Shao can play Fade more, Ange1 plays more smokes, NAVI stop trolling.

Thanks for reading so far. Thoughts?

posted 11 months ago
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