Flag: United States
Registered: July 25, 2021
Last post: May 27, 2024 at 5:57 PM
Posts: 542
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I have descended down to the levels of the VLR forums to add my voice into the cacophony of madness enveloping Valorant talk. Time for me to get memed on:

MiBR 2-0 TLN

posted about a year ago

I did just make it from gold to diamond this act with a 0.85 K/D over 92 games so far. Sign me up, I might get a kill or two in a professional match :D

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

tbh its a pretty reasonable deal and one that incoming teams would appreciate. They are also free to scrim whomever they want. iirc, a couple of the notable exceptions were let in anyways as well

posted about a year ago

As far as I know (I don't know portuguese, so my translations may be off), he compiled a list of good teams to practice against for LOCK//IN so that international teams with very little time can get the best training. Teams that weren't on the list got mad.

posted about a year ago

90% One team will make top 8 that will never see an international stage again this year
50% no Pacific teams in the top 8
10% MIBR top 4

posted about a year ago

Eh, I don't have the energy to dig into this deeply with advanced stats. Both of their overall statlines are similar, and they have similar ratings, so any differences will be small and nuanced. Its probable that artzin got slightly more eco frags or slightly less impactful frags (i.e. kills in 5v2 etc. scenarios) than shion.
"so it's obvious that controllers and sentinels will always have a high rating"
By the way, controllers and sentinels have, on average, lower ratings than duelists. All of the agents are relatively close (much closer than ACS), but jett/raze/chamber are still above KJ/omen/etc.

posted about a year ago

Generally APAC does include all of East Asia. When game devs and TOs combine regions is when names get wonky. i.e. Brazil is part of LATAM but is generally considered to be distinct from the "LATAM" Valorant region. Its easier to call CN/JP/KR "east asia" than it is to call the assorted SA/SEA/OCE regions anything other than "APAC" since not all of their countries are in Asia.

posted about a year ago

urgh. I hate that there is a team called NaVi sitting in the archives just waiting to be mistaken for the real NaVi when I tag them. 😂

posted about a year ago

I would say that tomaszy's stats are pretty close to his rating. 1.11 is relatively normal for just a +4 K-D. Its a little lower than you would expect from the stats that you can see there, but it isn't absurd. Obviously his ACS is going to be huge because he took so many fights, but he lost fights a lot as well. A good number of his kills happened when his team had a significant man advantage as well.
It mainly looks weird because addicted is about the same as him. Addicted's rating is higher than normal because a whopping 8 of his 13 deaths came when his team had a big man advantage and those deaths didn't matter much.
Also assists matter a little bit, and tomaszy had 0.

posted about a year ago

No spoilers, but something is in the works. Not exactly the same as previous LANs, but stuff is being written.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Damage differential. Damage dealt - damage taken I believe.

posted about a year ago

In order from best to worst: 3, 8, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 4

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying there should have been better seeding. I am saying that there are ways to build a tournament format that are more resilient to bad seeding than single elim.
here is a forum post I did a while back where I compared some 8 team formats, and in it, I stated that single elim is usable, but only when there is good seeding. Without good seeding it is extremely vulnerable
Also, Im not advocating for 32 team double elim either. That would be way too many games. there are some compromises that could be made to get the best of both worlds

posted about a year ago

This had the potential to be my finals matchup although any finals matchup would be hard to predict with random seeding and single elim.
What a ridiculous format.

posted about a year ago

Noyn casually showing up and dropping a bomb.

posted about a year ago

I might not be completely in the loop, but I think dimi is still with us and Flynn joined although he has been busy recently.

posted about a year ago

oh shoot

posted about a year ago

Sorry, I interacted with one of his posts then got a serious case of baiteritis. I will strive to provide only quality content in the future.

posted about a year ago

You challenge us to join your pickems group, but you're down there with 155 points and Im at the top with 405?



posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

double u talyx

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

In my opinion, "mutual" is often used in circumstances where there isn't bad blood regardless of whether one side would have preferred to keep the contract going. No idea what iNTRO's story is, but his tweet does not have enough info to say anything substantial other than to repeat the translation.
I adjusted the title a smidge to make it sound less like he was kicked.

posted about a year ago

Someone went to the trouble of avoiding my twitter?

posted about a year ago

It includes clutch stats implicitly when it weights XvY fights. i.e. 1v1 fights are worth quite a lot.

posted about a year ago

There was an update to the economic modifier. Since you only had two games played, it changed your rating a bit.

posted about a year ago

This rating has implicit impact because every fight is weighted differently. Baiting is punished quite significantly if a player waits until his whole team is dead and then gets some kills.

posted about a year ago

The main "combining the stats" part is linear, but believe me, there is a lot of more complicated math going on in the background to calculate the contributions, kill/death in particular. EVERY fight is given a different weight based on the situation inside the round.
Also, I don't think you understand the linear part. Not all contributions are weighted the same. Kills/deaths are more important than assists for example.

posted about a year ago

The rating is on the "stats" page on the top bar. You can put all sorts of sorting criteria there. For example, if you sort by "all time", minimum 2000 rounds played, against minimum opponent rating of 1550 (default), all regions, you can see a list of most of the top pros in the world.

posted about a year ago

this may be the highest for a map
I haven't done a thorough search, and it might be very difficult to search every map, but this is the highest ive seen so far.

posted about a year ago

I was so confused until I realized it was an old thread haha.

posted about a year ago

Yes in theory, but quality of competition REALLY affects it. For example, OpTic would be nowhere near the top even though they were clearly a top 5 or higher team in the world because they almost exclusively played against good teams instead of farming the tier 2.

posted about a year ago

That was something I would have liked to add, but unfortunately the data just doesn't exist.

posted about a year ago

And just a rough estimate too. VLR (and thespike too probably) do not use a simple algorithm of constants*stats = rating.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nutab1e vs poopastyx

posted about a year ago

I don't know if anyone has ever kissed you if they weren't on autopilot. 😜

posted about a year ago

Its all manual.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, the stats page can't handle displaying every game ever, so it needs to be broken down into chunks. I found it easiest to sort by each agent when looking for max kills. It should? cover every match ever.

posted about a year ago

Its also less OTs than most of the other big ones.

posted about a year ago

56 by ZmjjKK
There are a couple other 50+ bombs, but that is the highest I could find on VLR.

posted about a year ago

going by the roles you have laid out there:
heat > gaabx > Jonn > Liazzi > artzin > chase > gobera > cortezia
shion > Brinks > CTC > silentzzz > pollo > murizzz > ryotzz > myssen
krain > jzz > adverso > denaro > bnj > gust1nha > leozin > v1nny
rglm > Txddy > gtn > mnds > Maverick > pleets > luk b4rtin?
frz > matheuzin > bezn1 > prince > rnd > xenon > fuzari > flainzzz

If I thought about it harder, I would probably rearrange a few, but here's a rough estimate.

imo, MIBR will give LOUD a run for their money as best BR team.

posted about a year ago

I'll be honest, I would have changed 24/35 of those symbols.

posted about a year ago
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