Flag: International
Registered: April 2, 2021
Last post: April 21, 2024 at 10:53 AM
Posts: 184
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wow he can only play 2 agents? incredible player.

posted about a year ago

yummy duo, i cant even lie.

posted about a year ago

Zekken is literally getting Syyko pay check for carrying his ass for so long.

posted about a year ago

had mine infected cus i was just lazy af to put a bandaid on it. Was literally just a small cut so thought nothing of it. Done it plenty of times in past with no issues.

posted about a year ago

so when TenZ dies shoudlnt there be someone there to trade most the time? Thats basic valorant no? If u arent getting trades u arent playing the game well. And as far as I could tell SEN were rarely trading him out. Its just bad valorant from SEN.

Cus if their game plan is for the entry guy to win a 1v1 or at least get 1 majority of rounds, u are fucked when he isn't. again, its just bad valorant.

posted about a year ago

didnt Americas have their 2 best teams in same group? Seems like Riot just favors EU.

posted about a year ago

it really isnt when the 'hard working players' arent that good to begin what it is.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

u still prolly stupid, u just got lucky. But im proud of you.

posted about a year ago

what happened???

posted about a year ago

so if your boss comes in and says ima need you to take a pay cut u cool wit that?

posted about a year ago

well no offense but when u have the judge u are kinda limited. So its not like pros are entirely wrong.

posted about a year ago

yea cus players never miss any shots or have bad games.

posted about a year ago

mans really bringing up "pro" PUBG players? lmao.

Hes a fucking content creator. What the fuck is blud whaffling about??

posted about a year ago

Since when did Kanpeki get so good? He a tier 1 player now?

posted about a year ago

Not trying to over react but TSM might clear Fnatic

posted about a year ago

not even that Zombs is WAY more credible. Single elim tournies are not serious at all. Just purely entertainment.

posted about a year ago

not cryptic at all. yeah its ggs for sure. Was a good run from them.

posted about a year ago

Bro is taking a single elim tourney seriously...yikes

posted about a year ago

Cope going crazy

posted about a year ago

just trying to do too much. He's hitting some shots but needs to chill.

posted about a year ago

Actually pretty good list. Only thing I will add is that Leo has been by far best player at this event. Obviously has the team behind him but just insane player.

posted about a year ago

puts tin foil hat on

Was going to say the same thing brother. THIS NEEDS LOOKING INTO. Just like the past presidential election!!

posted about a year ago

it was, when u play the same way (as well as same agent) on every map the opposing team can adjust easier.

posted about a year ago

well when Jett isn't the most optimal pick on every map its bound to happen.

posted about a year ago

he def need some professional help

posted about a year ago

He on his Kanye arc. Let him cook.

but also get bro some help ASAP

posted about a year ago

We got him boys. Thats undeniable evidence right there. Send that straight to Riot, I'm sure they will take of this disgusting cheater. /s

posted about a year ago

well obviously hes Brazilian. All Brazilians are required to play it at a young age.

posted about a year ago

his team has always been very competitive in every meta tho as well and most teams haven't been. So again hard to tell. But obviously he's up there.

posted about a year ago

NA education sadly lmao

posted about a year ago

SEN woulda got 6 rounds max over both maps with him calling.

posted about a year ago

this does make the most sense, they need another duelist player.

posted about a year ago

the last part is so irrelevant cus any sports owner is gonna keep a player (especially of Partey ability) if they aren't actually found guilty of anything. But still fuck Kroneke .

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

It was. Classic EU valorant moment

posted about a year ago

TH dont look good at all but EG fundamentals were on point as well as their executes and retakes. And the scoreline showed that.

posted about a year ago

U arent wrong. Riot has to be looking into this ASAP. EU tricked them it seems.

posted about a year ago

EU getting flattened by.....EG?? LMAOOOOOOOOOO.

posted about a year ago

EU is ass LMAO. Getting flattened by EG??

posted about a year ago

That team most likely wasn't going far anyway. Even IF they picked up a better player than Shroud. Don't agree with how either side handled it tho (shaz or Sen) but theres nothing wrong with picking up Shroud either. It was hype. It was entertainment.

I'm guessing Shaz was very against it cus he just wants to win but also wants to compete at the top (why they apparently promised him a spot) but reality is that team still wasn't going anywhere.

posted about a year ago

Sym, I'ma need to check your bank account after that map..

posted about a year ago

Getting slapped by Kru now. Classic VLR moment.

posted about a year ago

Who is IGL? cus I know Redgar has been a good IGL in the past. But hard to judge when u have someone else calling every round.

posted about a year ago

zero head take

posted about a year ago

wait u think SEN leaked to George? u are so dumb lmao

posted about a year ago

those players are now not Tier 1 level is that the orgs fault?

posted about a year ago
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