Flag: United States
Registered: February 13, 2022
Last post: May 1, 2024 at 5:09 PM
Posts: 104
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How is fnatic bleeding a lot when they have never lost a match? You're saying Loud is better?

posted 11 months ago

How could you mention the guard after they got beaten by moist 2 weeks ago

posted about a year ago

They have no reason to play serious, sounds rude, but most of them will probably be replaced after Tokyo, so f it, might as well play like its an unrated game

posted about a year ago

This is the decider match right here

posted about a year ago

Monyet on his natural habitat

posted about a year ago

You must be flabbergasted right now

posted about a year ago

2-1 either way, both teams look strong, could be evenly matched

posted about a year ago

Dude better switch to observer at this point 💀

posted about a year ago

I get that dephh is the igl but damn he dies early way too much

posted about a year ago

C9W were playing in the challengers last year, and they were struggling against random no namer teams, now im not saying that they were bad, but thats the reality

posted about a year ago

They really should play with Marved for at least 1 map just for the content

posted about a year ago

Alright so its fair to get surprised about this then, just wondering why would they do so

posted about a year ago

Sorry if im outdated but since when does Patiphan play non duelist agents?

posted about a year ago

Aint no way you got triggered cuz skrossi is on frttt team 💀

posted about a year ago

And people be shitting on Sentinels lmao, Fnatic is just way too good

posted about a year ago

Nah not Shanks, just put Sick in what are they doing

posted about a year ago

Navi win the top bracket, and either SEN or 100T win this one so we will have 1 SA rep, 1 APAC rep, 1 EMEA rep, and 1 NA rep

posted about a year ago

I mean i do, i knew monyet was duelist most of the time before, but watching this match as controller? Might as well count him as one

posted about a year ago

Indonesian controllers are solid af, Mindfreak, TehBotol, Monyet holy

posted about a year ago

Both team did very good on 1st map, but holy shit garnetS was playing like it was a death match

posted about a year ago

Dude was holding grudges towards PRX for a supposedly "rude" behaviour that happened a year ago, then proceed to do exactly the same towards DRX lmao

posted about a year ago

Too easy to get clapped sadly 😞

posted about a year ago

This one will be a banger fr
Heat vs Patiphan

posted about a year ago

Its just a compliment in a way

posted about a year ago

Trent not recruited in any franchise team is insane

posted about a year ago

I mean they only had like one week of practices, plus split was recently put back into the pool so...

posted about a year ago

3 APAC teams lose on the same day... Damn

posted about a year ago

there are noticable teams on east asia LCQ, Northeption is one of them, and they were participating in Master Coppenhagen, so...
I do get your point, but i think in the case EDG, they came out as a real surprise for everyone

posted about a year ago

This could be dangerous for PRX mainly because EDG is a new team (at least in international events), EDG swoop LCQ by miles looking so dominant, PRX have to prepare to prevent whatever kind of surprises that EDG will bring

posted about a year ago

What a beta move from someone with the name SigmaMale

posted about a year ago

You forgot the most obvious example from last year champions tho, Full Sense, they didnt do bad, but didnt survive the group stage either

posted about a year ago

Banger either way, LCQ matches have been banger since first match

posted about a year ago

Berserx hasnt played good since last stage (or even stage 1), if only he would actually deliver as their duelist, Boom could have a lot of chances winning

posted about a year ago

well, thank you for the info, appreciate that

posted about a year ago

damn not even lcq? what about split?

posted about a year ago

it says 5.0 patch, does that mean pearl is gonna be added to the map pool this time?

posted about a year ago

iceland was his first international LAN, no? X10/Xerxia duelist was Patiphan last year

posted about a year ago

Whats wrong with extending the tourney at least for one more day? They have no rest at all

posted about a year ago

Since they had no encounter before , TS has to prepare some surprises to pull this off for sure

posted about a year ago

Judging on how AE played against PRX, things look grim for GE, better start praying for GE fans

posted about a year ago

We got a banger match baby, fuck stomping wooooo

posted about a year ago

No shot Bleed will win a map against PRX in any universe, forsaken can play astra and jingg as sova, and they still gonna win 2-0 convincingly

posted about a year ago

Im not sure how it works, but it probably depends on the situation (like how long the power outage lasts, is it fixable etc.), i remember they had to delay a match before in APAC too so... Anything goes

posted about a year ago

Skrossi will shock everyone

There's no way GE can lose to RRQ. RRQ has no experience even if they did it's simply not enough if they're going up against the caliber of GE, who has been one of the top dogs of apac for 2 years, they're veterans.

We all know that GE far surpasses RRQ's individual skills. it's the team work and communication that they're lacking but I fully trust that they already ironed all the issues out to close this game with a clean 2-0

posted about a year ago
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