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Registered: August 6, 2021
Last post: May 27, 2024 at 11:01 PM
Posts: 225
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This is common news now, Sideshow consistently critiques TenZ every game he's cast. Spent 2-3 hours making a video detailing all of TenZ's faults. Making memes and jokes when TenZ was sick during the regular season and was dealing with Kyedae's situation. It's kinda disappointing to see but whatever gets views.

posted 6 months ago

Asuna and TenZ were known as some of the best players on their teams back in 2020/2021 playing jett/reyna/raze every map now on full-time support to both ex-XSET duelist players. Kinda crazy to see the longevity between the 2 pros still being in t1 and Asuna being with 100t for about 3 years now.

posted 6 months ago

NA getting its first GC championship anyways, V1 and EG too op.

posted 7 months ago

yeah, he was a great leader on Shopify rebellions leading a team with 4 players that had solid chemistry for a 1y+ just to bomb out and play terribly. (sarcasm). This is a nepo pick with wippie and vanity being comfortable with Immi as a coach, that being said they could be decent but won't come no where near the level runi+mCe combo was.

posted 7 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Mel is probably the closet alongside Flor.

posted 8 months ago

It's so hard to know who is who and what counts as being trans/nb. I feel like it sets a dangerous precedent for the future of GC if there are men who are malicious and try to get into GC. To make everything simpler it would be just nicer if you kept everything to: Biological woman plays GC, Biological men can't play GC. But Western culture is so far from it that the precedent is allowed. I'm not creating hate and want people displaced but the future state of GC doesn't look good if there aren't set precedents.

posted 8 months ago

fnatic had coaching staff and proper strats just to lose to reyna :D

posted 8 months ago

Makes sense, cs rejects run val scene now teamless ig

posted 8 months ago

get that mental illness checked out if you think that relates to 9/11, ty.

posted 8 months ago

look I don't want to be that guy, if you admit 5.5k per month is league minimum. Then the yearly amount they make it is 5.5k*12.
That is 66k a year, I don't know where you get 90k per year(stock options? % of merch sales? brand deals/sponsorships?). But those are not required at all by the org so based on that argument then 66k is the league minimum.

posted 8 months ago

Demon1 over zekken and ye that list is solid

posted 8 months ago

Been saying this lol, a team is only as good as their coach. There are some exceptions to this like Enghh's coaching not directly translating to TSM but it's philosophy is there.

posted 8 months ago


posted 9 months ago

take a walk outside

posted 9 months ago

holy shit you guys are soft, if he was personally attacking people after the games then it matters. Everything he's said has been in-game.

posted 9 months ago

No surprise again, team will not be title contending without a solid mechanical player and one of the best controllers. At least ardiis and s0m are upgraded from mummAy and kaboose but not enough.

posted 9 months ago

Perseverance will just prove if kaplan is a good coach or not, a lot of coaches have had problems that affected their rosters. Don't know if SEN will keep kaplan though but I think another season could be good to see what he's got, still don't have much faith in him compared to an oldhead csgo coach or someone with just a lot more experience.

posted 9 months ago

They just need to fix fundamentals up and have a coach/igl that can drill it, they don't need fancy execs. They need to learn how to play Valorant honestly, that's what gave teams like KRU and C9 the edge this LCQ. Solid fundamentals no fancy execs. I think you solve that with removing kaplan, maybe drew, and putting an IGL that is seriously good at mid-rounding and late round calling.

posted 9 months ago

valorant isn't just getting kills and opping with jett, forgot vlr average rank is gold.

posted 9 months ago

I can see that happening to most vlr users too, the only difference between hltv and vlr is time.

posted 9 months ago

You are thinking way too deep man, I know you'll refuse and stand by your point but I assure you that jakee being given an opportunity for the first time in the big leagues will not have this shitty attitude. It's all spur in the moment, I'm sure she is reflecting right now on what she said right now and they aren't actually like this.

posted 10 months ago

this is the most VLR/basement dweller comment I've read today. I'm pretty sure she was frustrated and tweeted that, she doesn't have actual prejudice. It was just an in-the-moment tweet that she should've refrained. Stop making this shit so deep, I assure you that she and jakee have respect for the players, we've seen the frustration in sports and expect it in esports.

posted 10 months ago

No one is going to openly shit on a coach at the end of the day results are what matters, that's all what esports is. If you don't have results you lose your job, I don't care about the "feel good" feelings that a coach gives to players. If Kaplan is such a good coach then Sentinels will dismiss the results and keep Kaplan. You can come back to this post and prove me wrong if he gets resigned.

posted 10 months ago

Your message basically just discredits mCe and Potter, there is no luck only success or failure. The SEN coaches regarding the org budget had the most freedom compared to orgs like EG & C9.

posted 10 months ago

a team this good should not be trash bro, they were given 2 months and this is what has come out of it. Bare minimum top 2 in NA Lcq considering what c9 was doing in the regular season.

posted 10 months ago

You can look back on my posts, I have never said that Mini and Boaster need to be replaced. They got fucked over many times by stuff like COVID, braveaaf situation, etc. They dealt with it and still made it to LANS and performed decently. If you told me last year that Sacy, Pancada, and Marved would not make it to a single international lan this year I would not believe you but that is what that comes up with this. This game is very coach centric if you haven't noticed with teams like EG, C9, NRG, LEV, etc. I would much rather have more trust if the coach could even make NA LCQ let alone a LAN than the other coaches in the franchise that have incredible results and receipts of transformation. We've seen what Potter did against Optic, we've seen what mCe did to The Guard, the wild card is Sykko but that's the only roster I believe where that chemistry is what kept them going compared to the coach's magic. At the end of the day, the players are in the server and if they only have 1 strat which is an A rush on Pearl then the team is lost.

posted 10 months ago

What??? So you're telling me the management that has 0 experience with Valorant is picking up players? I'm sure coaches had a big say in the players they can pick or else it would make no sense and would be even more of a failure if Kaplan and Sykko was entrusted with a roster they didn't even want. And if Potter is entrusted with picking up an academy team and forming a 10-man franchise roster, alongside with mCe being able to drop vanity and yay. I'm sure these coaches have a lot of power, not to mention that Fnatic was willing to get Leo and Chronicle and also invested in Alfajer earlier. All these decisions were heavily impacted by the coach and the igl.

posted 10 months ago

So EG ran a 10-man roster correct? They used this 10-man roster to find what works and what doesn't, they integrate Demon1 in because they notice in scrims that he is the way to go for this roster to be finalized and to qualify for playoffs. This is an example of a good coach, Potter got 10 players that she requested management to give contracts to which they did so Potter can embark on this project and find what is the best fit. This is an example of a good coaching system and without Potter, this move doesn't happen and EG doesn't flourish. Kaplan and Dephh picked up 2 current world champs and brought in familiar faces with zekken & dephh while keeping TenZ. They later picked up Marved as a 6th man a say I'm sure the coaches had to have a say for. If a coaching system is picking out the players and the roles, how is there role issues. How is there synergy problems, how is there a lack of consistency, etc. Jakee and Runi played their first matches excellentally.. Same with Demon1 coming from Tier 2 with the assistance of Potter on how to position and set him up. I can go on but I want to sleep instead of argue with you about how I'm correct.

posted 10 months ago

You're acting like when they had the original roster they looked good when they were abysmal. These challenges you've brought up are challenges every team faces, Zellsis and Runi interchange agents a lot same with other teams in this season. You also have to consider that these were the players that the coach wanted also, mCe had a plan with c9, Potter had a plan with Demon1 and Ethan as the new pickups, Onur saw what he can do with Leviatan, list goes on and on. I feel like there is just special stuff given to SEN and although I agree they were unlucky, there are many teams that can just adapt and play well. PRX fucking added a pubg streamer and got 3rd at tokyo, I'm sure SEN should definitely be able to figure something out.

posted 10 months ago

The biggest difference with Demon1 is that before Demon1 they didn't have a consistent Jett which is played on 70% of the maps. Potter beat Optic with Apoth and Reformed, players we don't even know about. I'm pretty sure Kaplan's best result was a win against XSET. Potter proved it now with Demon1, Kaplan can't prove it with TenZ, Marved, Zekken, Sacy, and Pancada. That's all I have to say

posted 10 months ago

I'm not going to deny though, this fnatic roster is like prime sen 2021. Just perfection but they wouldn't be as good without the antistratting and prep. I do think other coaches excel much more than him in terms of pure coaching(Onur & mCe > all)

posted 10 months ago

Bro what? He made every LAN except 1, got top 2 against a coachless prime SEN. Fucked over by many problems(braveaaf, visa issues, covid,etc). Give some respect to them

posted 10 months ago

They picked the players?? Also roles and agents should not be a problem in 2023 Valorant, I'd agree with you if this was last year or 2021 but if you look at rosters like EG, LEV, C9, NRG, Fnatic,(any good team) every player can flex multiple agents. I get it they were world champs in their roles but Ardiis was a world champion on jett/chamber but he plays KJ on some maps.

posted 10 months ago

I'm sorry but we've seen coaches transform unknown players into great stars. Look at Leviatan the team that just steam rolled SEN, before Onur we didn't know anyone on the roster. Look at what EG has done with their core with Potters creative strats and ideas.

posted 10 months ago

if mCe can transform runi and jakee into star power players and amazing synergy to almost beat NRG. I believe SEN should be easily dismantling all these teams like how Optic and Loud did it back in 2022.

posted 10 months ago

Fnatic did it, the difference is Fnatic management had the coach and the igl pick the players. SEN decided dephhh, kaplan, and DrewSpark was the greatest they could get. Compared to mCe, Chet, great EMEA coaches.

posted 10 months ago

When do people start considering that this guy might be the problem alongside DrewSpark. A roster this good should be playing much better. Sad to see that a coach that didn't even make NA LCQ and an analyst that put Sacy on controller are running the biggest Valorant org lol.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

mCe is the guards daddy

posted 10 months ago

Hope this isn't real and him thinking C9 who made 0 lans that year was the way to go.

posted 10 months ago

Loud didn't go 2nd place what? lmfaoo

posted 10 months ago

NAVI literally played better against EDG than Loud the #2 team from lock in and #1 from americas. I'm not even an EMEA fan but playing against NRG and then EDG that was on fire that event(barely any vods of them playing).

posted 10 months ago

Sticking with the core increases stock value in itself to show that the player is not just chasing money and has passion. The Guard is also like a franchise team smurfing in t2 right now, his taking the gamble is completely well placed since now that if Guard has made it to franchising he got what he wanted and if Guard doesn't: he gets picked up and replaced the people on current franchise rosters. Dephhh was seen as a top 2 NA IGL but now with the whole Sentinels situation he no longer plays and I doubt he will ever get another offer from franchising unless he grinds T2. Players on many franchise rosters are at such risk of being kicked out of franchising then joining a fresh t2 project and never making it back into the league(Look at Xand, we'll see these examples in 2024).

Franchising is Do or Die and sure you secured money but if you are in a fucked project, you don't want to end up like yay whose stock was at an all-time high now shadowed by his teams poor performance(DSG).

posted 10 months ago

rather have these people here than be out of their room

posted 10 months ago

Fiening off group stage matches, holy shit I guess Sentinels was top 5 in the world when they took a map off Loud the lockin runner up!

posted 10 months ago

NAVI loses 15-17 and 12-14 to a team that decimated Loud and almost beat Team Liquid(11-13). Let's switch the igls up and fuck the chemistry! :D

posted 10 months ago

every good team has super proactive comns, Sentinels 2021 was just mostly shahz dapr sick, Gambit 2021 was also not just redgar but sheydos and chronicle, Acend 2021 also had proactive callers with zeek and starxo even though bonecold is their igl. On Loud it wasn't just saadhak, sacy contributed a lot.

posted 10 months ago

TSM dephh

posted 10 months ago

You could really tell this by how he played chamber in LCQ, game sense is like the most important tool in in lurks and timings but he costed them many times. He did put up incredible numbers but he could've done much more.

posted 10 months ago
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