Flag: International
Registered: April 13, 2024
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 8:35 AM
Posts: 151
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Mostly valid.
check this

posted 1 month ago

Don't like the ult changes or undercut. Even now the ult is usable under right circumstances. A better fix could be 100 v 150 hp. Agree with double tap and also the wall should be stoppable whenever.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

bit basic. almond crunch with caramel

posted 1 month ago

They couldn't play with the same team. Insider news from the team: the guy who carried them in open qualifiers couldn't play as he is not 16, and the pickups they did definitely were better, and some of the other existing players didn't want to play with the newer pick-ups, which ended up everyone from the first team leaving.

posted 1 month ago

I agree that ge definitely lacks in firepower compared to other teams. I genuinely think only polvi has really top-tier aim following russ and lf, and benkai and blazeking definitely lack a bit in that department.
However, I don't agree that you need more than 2-3 absolute ballers on a team. Even with our current resources, this definitely is not the peak of this team.
Benkai makes some of it up by him helping out the team in other aspects. For blaze, I really am unsure on what to critic on.

posted 1 month ago

Also, if you watched the comms video, even when jitboys got the first kill, it took too long for polvi to call out that he is close, and by the time he called out it was too late.

posted 1 month ago

Highly unlikely we get champs, but even if we have a solid year, we definitely have good opportunities to build on it in the next year as we wouldn't need full team to disband and can improve over time.

posted 1 month ago

Also, I forgot to mention that rounds after timeouts have not looked good. Maybe the coaching instructions imbalanced them a bit, and/or there were no set calls or exec following timeouts.

posted 1 month ago

dont care if he reads. tbh the post is only meant for people who can read and have an attention span of over 2 minutes even that might be an overkill for most, but all g

posted 1 month ago

Even though we didnt qualify let's be real GE could've easily been 3-3 (more than ample opportunities to close out against talon) or even possibly 4-2 as we could've won against zeta too (considering the laz 4k turned out to be the swing round which crushed the attacking half completely and we easily would be 8-2 up with eco round and GE having 3 to 6 big ults on the following buy round). We have been completely shat on only two games vs PRX and DRX.

Good Things:
1.We are good on comms and team chem. Sometimes we do go overboard, but overall good.

  1. Benkai switch to secondary caller looking good.
  2. LF and Russ have looked the most stable over the course.
  3. Pistol rounds and Anti-eco have looked really good. (We lost one on Icebox, but won the next round against RRQ)
  4. Icebox looks pretty solid.
  5. Polvi finding form on rifle.

Bad Things:

  1. Weak in fundamentals. We don't check corners :( Lost two big rounds against talon and zeta due to that.
  2. Weak Map pool. opponent pick and third map seems to be a big problem. Also lost 2-0 both times when opponent banned icebox.
  3. Polvi OP crunching has not looked as good as it should. Lost of misses even when there was good opportunities given and other times had to take too much risk to find impact. Scaling when polvi has op has looked shaky on attack side, with inefficient trading.
  4. It definitely looked like nerves played a big part in lot of the results.

Genuine Advice:
Expand Map Pool. Everyone knows by now that Icebox is perma-pick, and u look strong on it. Teams surely will start to ban it on Split 2. So, need to have a new perma pick and a better secondary pick.
We have horrendous buy round conversion considering we have highest pistol and anti-eco win rate.
Control pacing of the round better. We played to their style in both DRX and PRX games. (especially PRX)

Even though some might feel this team is a downgrade from last year, trust me, it isn't. Team chem will nearly always impact more than cracked individuals. Last year the language barrier and some other reasons impacted team chem. This year we definitely have 2 very good callers in benkai and russ, and team looks very well gelled. Hopefully, only better things to look for in split 2.

posted 1 month ago

Cold Water
Yerba Mate

posted 1 month ago

this kids insane. never expected team heretics had another fragger like him. jesus

posted 1 month ago

Isnt that tweet from last year? I don't see how it makes any sense now in last 2 weeks.

posted 1 month ago

why tf did I read these two texts in chambers voice. ahahahaha

posted 1 month ago

nope. he was always a more solid player. rossi only looks good cus he played flashy and opd a lot. all his good games are on op.

posted 1 month ago

quite possibly. They couldve put monyet on raze and texture on jett and lf on smokes

posted 1 month ago

Even last year, LF was always the better pick. Rossi was being played only due to PR reasons

posted 1 month ago

Only russ calling all by himself as much I could see. Nothing was announced officially.

posted 1 month ago

Wow. Hope I am not gonna jinx it, but global looks so much better today.

posted 1 month ago

I dont think they had a dedicated secondary before this or if it was indeed blazeking, it could be the reason why his performance was impacted so heavily.

posted 1 month ago

They really should've done this much earlier. I am surprised that they weren't using benkai as a second caller from the beginning as it makes sense that benkai should be a signing for his calling rather than his mechanics.

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

hmmm. interesting take for sure. just let me say this for that event.
f0rsaken 0.98 rating on chamber and dive duelists
benkai 0.96 rating with igl.
So, definitely, he didn't get hard carried to the finals.

posted 1 month ago

I was here when y0y became y1y

posted 1 month ago

i was here when y0y became y1y

posted 1 month ago

yeah. thats why i said unpopular xD. I know people wouldn't understand it, but people forgot they reached finals of a masters with benkai also. If they keep him and evolve with a bit more structure they win an event by now. they throw too many rounds to have consistent results in a b05.

posted 1 month ago

unpopular opinion but PRX could have won a trophy with Benkai by now. Even though something is a much better player, his signing made sure that PRX will always lack structure and stability, and they keep throwing rounds because of it.

posted 1 month ago

People give too much disrespect to steel and benkai.

Both really good as igl

posted 1 month ago

mfer played booyaka booyaka on stream. this guy is fked fr

posted 1 month ago

who tf is the caller for bleed man? wtf are these dogshit starts? there's no way this igl is a better caller than my premier team.

posted 1 month ago

Marved same playstyle as mako; but mako has much more impact.

Tenz doesn't play smokes in the traditional way, so much more impactful, but also higher fluctuations in performance.

posted 1 month ago

If they lose surely; they make some changes with roster and coaching.

If bleed win today; would you still change the roster?

posted 1 month ago

the real issue were the comms; for last years GE. Texture wasn't comfortable with english so they couldn't put him on duelist. They didn't have proper smokes, so they had to put monyet on smokes, and that enabled rossi to play duelist.

Their only mistake was that they should've put more faith in LF than Rossi. even before GE got the franchise spot; lf was more consistent than rossi. Rossi had higher stats only cus he used to OP a lot and indian scene in general was awful dealing against OP.

I understand that they had to put rossi in for PR and sponsorship and indian vierwerbase support reasons, but lf was obviously the better pick all along.

posted 1 month ago

Underrated talents in Indian scene who really should be taught and nurtured further:
Techno : Really consistent and stable on smokes
Paradox : Has good fundamentals; and has really good temperament to understand the game further; very coachable; has potential to improve a lot.
Levi: good on smokes, but feel that he is being put on wrong role for his team. should try playing a bit more aggressive agents which suit his style of play

None of them are Tier1 level, but definitely can get there given an year with solid structure.

posted 1 month ago

Rossi used to be flashy, but for now, for venka I have lots of concerns. He is very off-the-cuff and also not very coachable. I don't know why he is getting any hype. People gotta start understanding its much better if u are fundamentally good rather than being flashy.

posted 1 month ago

tbh, as a player, Rossi isn't even that bad. All his reputation came from op-crutching in the Indian scene, just because the Indian scene before the franchise was so bad that they didn't know how to play against an operator, and Rossi used to be the hard carry. As a rifle and op, he's an average player and probably the best in India, along with lf. Nothing too noteworthy but his retarded indian fans ruined his reputation beyond repair by comparing him to best players at world stage. That is not his fault, its just unfortunate that his fans are kinda braindead.

posted 1 month ago

Is venka even good tbh? As far as I've played against/with him in ranked, he just sounds like a kid who has tons of ego and no brain.

posted 1 month ago

Why you cursin at me for fam? Anger issues much?

posted 1 month ago

Nah. You said his agent pool is inferior and curry can igl and shit and understands mechanics. lol. Blud cant get radiant without being carried by two best players in the world. (JJ and Jingg) Only relevant due to his smurfing content.

posted 1 month ago

Can you go to a different team mid-season?

posted 1 month ago

Genuine Question.
Considering that Pancada was a world champion and MVP, and Curry has a 3-day pro-T1 stint with c9 and was always unsigned before. Why is Curry rated so highly for someone with no professional experience to replace pancada. Hate seeing such a good talent with no team. Am I missing something obvious?

posted 1 month ago
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