Flag: United States
Registered: August 21, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 3:04 AM
Posts: 514
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I can agree with the rest of the team, but tenz (I'm not a fan boy) and zekken are both insanely skilled individual players. The problem with tenz tho is he doesn't seem to actually play with the team, and when he does he is very lack luster. Zekken on the other hand is insanely good and wipes the floor with alfajer.

But I still believe FNC beats Sentinels

posted about a year ago

Bro a 2v5 ain't gonna secure the bag my guy

posted about a year ago

Considering 3 emea teams already got sent home, that's a funny cope

posted about a year ago

Those "bunch of frauds" are more consistent than any other team itw, cry about it

posted about a year ago

Yikes my guy, definition of don't speak too soon

posted about a year ago

Babyj maybe, ec1s? Absolutely not

posted about a year ago

This is t2 not t1, also they shouldn't have decided that in the middle of challengers 1. That has never worked for just about any team so I don't know why they think it was such a great idea

posted about a year ago

If his team could've given him the support he needed he could easily rose even higher

posted about a year ago

Still got my Envy flair, it's not visible but if I go to the change flair section it's still there

posted about a year ago

Definitely isn't best, but he is really good. He top 5

posted about a year ago

A great 9.5/10

posted about a year ago

Has Faze signed a roster yet? They have 3 days til the challengers event

posted about a year ago

You realize that's a whole different fpx team right?

posted about a year ago

They could make a stacked team if they pick up players from The Nation and Untamable Beasts

posted about a year ago

Yeah, clears the stage for the teams that actually stand a chance

posted about a year ago

This roster fell off when they traded Autumn and xeta for OMG curry

posted about a year ago

Bro who is even gonna be on FaZe at this point? Are they gonna keep Dicey and Babybay and build off of them?

posted about a year ago

Imagine making hating on NA players your personality, that EU cope go hard

posted about a year ago

If Wardell is better how come he didn't make it out of open qualifiers for tier 2?

posted about a year ago

The jokes just write themselves

posted about a year ago

Got down voted but I was correct

posted about a year ago

Squirtle Squad 2-1 OREsports

Probably gonna be a close game

posted about a year ago

Bro I agree. But if you watch the vods it doesn't seem like they actually care when playing. They make so many mistakes it seems intentional

posted about a year ago

Bro that aged terribly, wardell washed af

posted about a year ago

Wardell doesn't have the patience for pro Val, he should stick to comp

posted about a year ago

Nah we awake but choosing to not look for good reason. They are gonna get clapped

posted about a year ago

The Guard are gonna sweep Ascension, light work for them. Their only genuine competition is Shopify Rebellion

posted about a year ago

Leaving out the big teams to force them to change rosters under different orgs

posted about a year ago

Everyone hated on boi when he joined 100T (including me), but at the time that was a dying team with no prospect. Boi on any other team was goated

posted about a year ago

Bunny sadly is doing his mandatory enlistment. He og was the best raze player in the pro scene

posted about a year ago

Personally that's what I enjoyed about it. It helped the best players shine brighter

posted about a year ago


Nah just playin

posted about a year ago

We can only hope

posted about a year ago

How is 1- 2 m per video considered dead? Like yes it's a small compared to has subscriber count but by all means that's not dead

posted about a year ago

SR has been more consistent than The Guard, after the guards first lan experience they haven't been the same

posted about a year ago

Bro what? That xset team was established before cryo joined them

posted about a year ago

Says the blind man

posted about a year ago

They have to fund 10 players salaries, how in any way would that make them broke. That costs more than 6 players (not talking about their buyouts)

posted about a year ago

I'm pretty sure FNS already made a name for himself before Valorant and Envy made a name for themselves before yay and marved so I think they would do just fine

posted about a year ago

It's probably for the Faze tournament happening today Stewie2k has a team

posted about a year ago

Optic, Gambit, and Xset
In that order

posted about a year ago

He didn't mean getting an ace, he meant ending their reputation. A team that lost so bad they never recover. Like TSM after First Strike

posted about a year ago

Nah 100T was dead way before that

posted about a year ago

Supamen was supposed to go to EG but Ethan filled the spot he was going to take

posted about a year ago

Nah that's Sentinels 1.0, we on 2.0 now

posted about a year ago

Idk why people are down voting you when it's the truth. He is definitely really good but his consistency has been lacking. Hopefully this next season it will change but we shall see

posted about a year ago
  1. Cloud9 (assuming leaf and xeppa can preform to their old standard)
  2. DRX (tried and true)
  3. Fnatic (not a fan but gotta give credit where it's due)
  4. Team Liquid (if the team can mesh well then they have great potential)
  5. Sentinels (this is only because they are a new roster, excluding tenz, made of proven talent)
posted about a year ago

Acs isn't everything, it doesn't count for a lot of things so it isn't the only currency of skill. All you did was stack the list with duelists and sprinkled a couple of other roles

posted about a year ago

Because Marved is taking time off from competing

posted about a year ago
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