why are we being braindead now abt QCK?


anyone saying "he has to fill the role of aspas as a duelist" he doesn't have to and it's insanely unfair to say so, but we are not going to sit here and justify the (6th lowest rated player in Stage 1, the 14th lowest rated player in Madrid and the 19th lowest rated player in Kickoff.)
To all the people saying it was unfair that QCK was dropped brotha you are getting paid thousands of dollars to sit at home and play a video game so your focus should be improving as a player you cannot say "UNFAIR" when you can control every single variable whether you are being dropped or not.

Saadhak also personally recruited QCK because he "believed" he could make him improve as a player, so when QCK fails Saadhak is going to have a heavy burden because he literally stuck up for this kid to join the org. last year he was similar in stats aswell so I don't think the role change helped him at all.

This post isn't to discredit QCK for any hardwork he's put behind the scenes, but there are countless players who want to play in tier 1 its very competitive I come from a sports background so it actually sucks when you dont get chosen over somebody who you actually think you're more impactful than.

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